14 Mar 2025


Zenith Data Systems Super VGA Monitor Driver

Company: Zenith Data Systems
Model: Super VGA
Operating System: Windows 3.1 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: za3931dr.zip


Zenith Data Systems Super VGA Driver. "Complete zip of windows 3.1 super vga drivers. Included in this zip is ZDSPVGA.SYS from ZA-3900-DR, which is not part of the SVGA driver for windows 3.1 ZDSPVGA.SYS is required for all systems that use a WD90C11 video controller and do not have WD video bios in rom. ZDSPVGA.SYS sh ould not be used in systems that have 4.1C or higher rom bios."
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 19642 07-22-92 01:00 VDDPVGA.38_ 8960 07-22-92 01:00 V7VGA.3G_ 10101 07-22-92 01:00 WIN.CN_ 51062 07-22-92 01:00 MMWD480.DR_ 51045 07-22-92 01:00 NMMWD480.DR_ 45412 07-22-92 01:00 PVGA600.DR_ 47057 07-22-92 01:00 SVGA1024.DR_ 3646 07-22-92 01:00 8514FIX.FO_ 4237 07-22-92 01:00 8514OEM.FO_ 3633 07-22-92 01:00 8514SYS.FO_ 3729 07-22-92 01:00 CGA40850.FO_ 3563 07-22-92 01:00 CGA40WOA.FO_ 3049 07-22-92 01:00 CGA80850.FO_ 3039 07-22-92 01:00 CGA80WOA.FO_ 8612 07-22-92 01:00 COURE.FO_ 11021 07-22-92 01:00 COURF.FO_ 16721 07-22-92 01:00 DOSAPP.FO_ 4058 07-22-92 01:00 EGA40850.FO_ 3933 07-22-92 01:00 EGA40WOA.FO_ 3243 07-22-92 01:00 EGA80850.FO_ 3259 07-22-92 01:00 EGA80WOA.FO_ 21454 07-22-92 01:00 SERIFE.FO_ 27241 07-22-92 01:00 SERIFF.FO_ 12501 07-22-92 01:00 SMALLE.FO_ 10489 07-22-92 01:00 SMALLF.FO_ 21643 07-22-92 01:00 SSERIFE.FO_ 27627 07-22-92 01:00 SSERIFF.FO_ 21296 07-22-92 01:00 SYMBOLE.FO_ 27198 07-22-92 01:00 SYMBOLF.FO_ 2715 07-22-92 01:00 VGAFIX.FO_ 3219 07-22-92 01:00 VGAOEM.FO_ 3111 07-22-92 01:00 VGASYS.FO_ 3996 07-22-92 01:00 PVGA.GR_ 2839 07-22-92 01:00 OEMSETUP.INF 1245 07-22-92 01:00 VGALOGO.LG_ 6856 07-22-92 01:00 VGALOGO.RL_ 34704 03-13-92 01:03 ZDSPVGA.SYS -------- ------- 537156 37 files

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