14 Mar 2025


Philips Consumer Electronics Brilliance Monitors Monitor Driver

Company: Philips Consumer Electronics
Model: Brilliance Monitors
Operating System: Windows 2000 Professional (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: Brilliance-monitors.exe


Philips Consumer Electronics Brilliance Monitors Driver. This file was already uploaded by Rob Bauw as a .rar file. You need the WINrar program to extract the information. I have simply extracted the files and uploaded them again as a self-extracting WinZip file so that everyone can download it. I DO NOT KNOW if the drivers actually work on Windows 2000 pro.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 52532 03-21-92 05:02 ARIAL.TT_ 51841 03-21-92 05:02 ARIALBD.TT_ 57729 03-21-92 05:02 ARIALBI.TT_ 96608 10-18-96 19:17 CM2200A.EX_ 45 03-11-96 11:05 CM2200A.IN_ 37824 09-20-96 11:30 LOGO256.BM_ 1180 10-09-96 16:50 README.TXT 724 10-25-96 11:08 RELEASE.TXT 46284 10-09-96 13:22 SCMBITMD.DL_ 46189 10-09-96 13:24 SCMBITMU.DL_ 10773 10-09-96 12:45 SCMENG.DL_ 20350 10-10-96 16:07 SCMENGC.HL_ 12154 10-10-96 16:07 SCMENGG.HL_ 26009 10-10-96 16:07 SCMENGI.HL_ 11075 10-09-96 12:45 SCMFRA.DL_ 25708 10-10-96 16:08 SCMFRAC.HL_ 13161 10-10-96 16:08 SCMFRAG.HL_ 29765 10-10-96 16:08 SCMFRAI.HL_ 10939 10-09-96 12:46 SCMGER.DL_ 22367 10-10-96 16:08 SCMGERC.HL_ 12641 10-10-96 16:08 SCMGERG.HL_ 28079 10-10-96 16:09 SCMGERI.HL_ 11116 10-09-96 12:46 SCMITA.DL_ 23066 10-10-96 16:09 SCMITAC.HL_ 12428 10-10-96 16:09 SCMITAG.HL_ 28553 10-10-96 16:09 SCMITAI.HL_ 11160 10-09-96 12:46 SCMSPA.DL_ 24497 10-10-96 16:10 SCMSPAC.HL_ 12292 10-10-96 16:10 SCMSPAG.HL_ 28612 10-10-96 16:10 SCMSPAI.HL_ 104258 10-25-96 10:26 SETUP.EXE 44866 10-25-96 10:26 STP.EX_ 658 10-25-96 10:33 STPLST.TX_ 138309 02-03-95 14:23 WATER.BM_ -------- ---- 1053792 34 files

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