14 Mar 2025


Philips Consumer Electronics Brilliance-107(CM8800A) Monitor Driver

Company: Philips Consumer Electronics
Model: Brilliance-107(CM8800A)
Operating System: Windows 2000 Professional (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: Brilliance-107CM8800A.exe


Philips Consumer Electronics Brilliance-107(CM8800A) Driver. This is the original CustoMax setup for the Brilliance-107. Designed for Windows95/98 but works fine on Windows 2000pro (should also therefore work on XP although not tested by me).

As you cannot adjust the screen size and position on the 107 without this software it is essential.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 138309 02-03-95 14:23 WATER.BM_ 51841 03-21-92 05:02 ARIALBD.TT_ 57729 03-21-92 05:02 ARIALBI.TT_ 95711 06-21-96 00:33 cm8800a.ex_ 45 03-11-96 11:05 cm8800a.in_ 53674 03-08-95 10:52 INSTALL.EXE 1079 05-22-96 10:39 README.TXT 619 07-02-96 02:42 RELEASE.TXT 1200 03-09-94 14:24 SAVER.COM 105305 05-23-96 11:24 SCMBITMD.DL_ 105228 05-23-96 11:24 SCMBITMU.DL_ 10632 06-20-96 03:52 SCMENG.DL_ 20258 06-29-96 05:58 SCMENGC.HL_ 11707 06-19-96 23:47 SCMENGG.HL_ 26055 06-19-96 23:47 SCMENGI.HL_ 10926 06-20-96 03:52 SCMFRA.DL_ 25810 06-29-96 05:58 SCMFRAC.HL_ 13163 06-19-96 23:48 SCMFRAG.HL_ 29761 06-19-96 23:48 SCMFRAI.HL_ 10792 06-20-96 03:52 SCMGER.DL_ 22477 06-29-96 05:59 SCMGERC.HL_ 12606 06-19-96 23:49 SCMGERG.HL_ 28112 06-19-96 23:49 SCMGERI.HL_ 10972 06-20-96 03:53 SCMITA.DL_ 23997 07-01-96 23:15 SCMITAC.HL_ 12447 06-19-96 23:50 SCMITAG.HL_ 28642 06-19-96 23:51 SCMITAI.HL_ 11020 06-20-96 03:53 SCMSPA.DL_ 24363 06-29-96 05:59 SCMSPAC.HL_ 12298 06-19-96 23:51 SCMSPAG.HL_ 28601 06-19-96 23:52 SCMSPAI.HL_ 130807 07-02-96 16:25 SDOS.EXE 119618 06-25-96 02:51 SETUP.EXE 445 01-19-95 11:12 SFACTORY.INI 2557 11-10-94 11:50 SINTERN.INI 47792 06-14-96 14:58 STP.EX_ 579 06-14-96 12:00 STPLST.TX_ 52532 03-21-92 05:02 ARIAL.TT_ -------- ---- 1339709 38 files

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