14 Mar 2025


Matrox Graphics Matrox Marvel G200 PCI- English Monitor Driver

Company: Matrox Graphics
Model: Matrox Marvel G200 PCI- English
Operating System:   (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: w9x552d1.exe


Matrox Graphics Matrox Marvel G200 PCI- English Driver.  
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 52576 02-21-00 12:34 PDResGer.dl_ 27220 11-15-99 13:45 PDBkgnd.bm_ 140685 02-21-00 12:28 PDesk.ex_ 30515 02-21-00 12:36 PDeskcmd.ex_ 1587 12-01-99 13:16 PDeskEng.cn_ 61255 02-21-00 12:38 PDeskEng.hl_ 1749 12-08-99 17:35 PDeskFre.cn_ 1644 12-08-99 17:35 PDeskGer.cn_ 34788 02-21-00 12:29 PDKernel.dl_ 64125 11-15-99 13:45 PDMonLst.mp_ 151713 02-21-00 12:31 PDPages.dl_ 49548 02-21-00 12:33 PDResEng.dl_ 52402 02-21-00 12:34 PDResFre.dl_ 30546 02-21-00 17:35 Install.inf 77829 02-21-00 12:32 PDTools.dl_ 5001 02-21-00 12:48 ReadEng.txt 5878 02-21-00 12:48 ReadFre.txt 5809 02-21-00 12:48 ReadGer.txt 5965 02-21-00 12:49 ReadIta.txt 5001 02-21-00 12:48 Readme.txt 5818 02-21-00 12:50 ReadSpa.txt 221184 02-21-00 12:26 setup.exe 9952 02-21-00 12:24 setup16.dll 24576 02-21-00 12:24 setup32.dll 196608 02-21-00 12:26 setupres.dll 2898 11-15-99 13:44 SuppEng.rt_ 3462 11-15-99 13:44 SuppFre.rt_ 3855 11-15-99 13:44 SuppGer.rt_ -------- ---- 1274189 28 files

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