12 Mar 2025


KDS USA Radius Rad-5p Monitor Driver

Company: KDS USA
Model: Radius Rad-5p
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: KDSRad5p.zip


KDS USA Radius Rad-5p Driver. Driver Version 1.0k. The driver provider is TriGem Computer, Inc.

This driver was uploaded from the original floppy disk that came with the monitor. This driver is ONLY for the Rad-5p. If you check the monitor specs on the KDS web site, you'll see each Rad-5_ model is slightly different in dimensions, resolution, etc.

I installed it on Windows 2000 Professional SP4 with an ATI 3D RAGE IIC AGP video card. It worked the first time. It supports 60, 70, 72, and 75 Hertz. I use 60 Hz for business type applications.

This monitor and driver will not run all games. My son switched to a CRT monitor and the games that didn't work with this monitor & driver combination began to work.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 20337 07-23-01 16:22 README.TXT 40960 05-22-01 11:08 _settings.mst 49152 06-15-01 12:56 _WIN2K.MST 24576 10-28-00 12:59 C.EXE 61984 06-04-01 16:26 Install.exe 592 05-12-01 00:13 LCD15.ICM 4574 07-24-01 17:43 LinuxMon.cfg 2621 07-24-01 17:59 Monitor.inf 20480 01-06-01 19:34 _SETMXR.MST -------- ---- 225276 9 files

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