14 Mar 2025


Hewlett Packard (HP) HP L2335 LCD Flat Panel Monitor Monitor Driver

Company: Hewlett Packard (HP)
Model: HP L2335 LCD Flat Panel Monitor
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: sp28788.exe


Hewlett Packard (HP) HP L2335 LCD Flat Panel Monitor Driver. Language: Chinese-Simplified, English-American, English-International, English-United Kingdom, Korean, Spanish, Spanish-Latin American

This package contains the HP Display LiteSaver Utility for the listed HP monitor models. The HP Display LiteSaver Utility is an application that can be used to set predefined times to initiate and then exit from the low-power Sleep mode for a monitor. The HP Display LiteSaver application can be used to increase monitor life and save energy. With most monitors, entering Sleep mode turns off the display and shuts down or reduces power to most internal circuitry. Using the monitors Sleep mode can provide protection against image retention, which can extend the life of the display, and it can help to reduce energy costs because Sleep mode requires very little power consumption.

File Contents:
No file content information available at this time.

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