14 Mar 2025


Nokia 445M, 445R, 445X, 447KA, 447KC, 447L, 447M, 447V, 447W, 447X, 447XAV, 447K, 449E, 449M, 449X, 44BS, 417TV Monitor Driver

Company: Nokia
Model: 445M, 445R, 445X, 447KA, 447KC, 447L, 447M, 447V, 447W, 447X, 447XAV, 447K, 449E, 449M, 449X, 44BS, 417TV
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: Nokia.zip


Nokia 445M, 445R, 445X, 447KA, 447KC, 447L, 447M, 447V, 447W, 447X, 447XAV, 447K, 449E, 449M, 449X, 44BS, 417TV Driver. Works for many Nokia monitors.

445M, 445R, 445X, 447KA, 447KC, 447L, 447M, 447V, 447W, 447X, 447XAV, 447K, 449E, 449M, 449X, 44BS, 417TV

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 87552 06-15-95 05:00 MSCOMSTF.DLL 73728 08-29-95 12:47 MSCUISTF.DLL 19968 06-15-95 05:00 MSDETSTF.DLL 59904 06-15-95 05:00 MSINSSTF.DLL 23552 06-15-95 05:00 MSSHLSTF.DLL 48640 06-15-95 05:00 MSUILSTF.DLL 8325 08-18-95 12:37 NOKIA.INF 28672 08-29-95 12:25 SETUP.EXE -------- ---- 350341 8 files

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