14 Mar 2025


Mag Innovision MAG DX17F Monitor Driver

Company: Mag Innovision
Model: MAG DX17F
Operating System: Windows 95 & Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: mag_inf.zip


Mag Innovision MAG DX17F Driver. This is a Ziped file of about fifty Mag-inovision monitor drivers

Directions below are from Mag-Inovision


1.Click Start, then Settings, then Control Panel.

2.Start the "Display" applet program.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 782 08-17-98 03:20 xj500t.icm 780 10-05-99 09:16 570V.icm 772 08-31-99 00:59 770T.icm 772 05-25-00 14:34 770v.icm 772 08-31-99 00:59 786FD.icm 772 08-31-99 00:59 796FD.icm 772 08-31-99 00:59 800V.icm 782 08-31-99 00:59 810FD.icm 782 08-17-98 03:20 dj530.icm 782 08-17-98 03:20 dj530av.icm 781 09-03-99 09:53 DJ700.icm 779 08-20-99 10:03 DJ700E.icm 781 09-03-99 09:54 DJ702.icm 779 08-20-99 10:06 DJ702E.icm 781 08-17-98 03:20 dj707.icm 781 08-17-98 03:20 dj707av.icm 781 09-03-99 09:56 dj717.icm 781 08-17-98 03:20 dj800.icm 781 08-17-98 03:20 dj810.icm 779 08-18-99 17:30 DJ920.icm 782 08-30-99 17:01 DJ925T.icm 782 09-03-99 09:58 DX500AV.ICM 782 08-17-98 03:20 dx500t.icm 779 04-03-00 08:58 dx700e.icm 782 08-17-98 03:20 dx700t.icm 782 08-17-98 03:20 dx715t.icm 782 08-17-98 03:20 dx725t.icm 781 08-17-98 03:20 dX800.icm 781 09-14-98 00:56 LT530C.icm 781 09-18-98 02:52 LT541.icm 781 09-18-98 02:52 LT541C.icm 782 02-12-99 11:50 LT561D.icm 781 10-28-98 14:30 LT561E.icm 23882 05-25-00 14:47 mag.INF 782 08-30-99 12:47 MAG15.ICM 782 08-30-99 13:55 MAG15T.icm 781 08-30-99 15:00 MAG17.icm 782 08-30-99 16:10 MAG17T.icm 779 08-30-99 15:43 MAG21.icm 780 09-03-99 10:02 xj500.icm 772 08-31-99 00:59 570FD.icm 780 08-17-98 03:20 xj530.icm 781 09-03-99 10:11 xj700.icm 779 08-20-99 09:54 XJ700E.icm 782 08-17-98 03:20 xj700t.icm 781 08-16-99 18:20 xj707.icm 780 08-17-98 03:20 xj717.icm 772 04-27-00 14:36 xj770.icm 772 04-11-99 18:02 XJ796.icm 772 08-31-99 00:59 xj810.icm 773 08-31-99 00:59 XJ910.icm -------- ------- 62842 51 files

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