14 Mar 2025


Nokia Nokia monitors (all) Monitor Driver

Company: Nokia
Model: Nokia monitors (all)
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update



Nokia Nokia monitors (all) Driver. As of 10-04, the US Viewsonic site listed the Nokia drivers as unavailable. This URL points to the UK site.

The drivers native to Win98SE are inadequite. It is necessary to invoke the executable (part of the nokia_inf.exe installation) in order for the Nokia monitor to function without noticable flicker.

This installs two instances of "default monitor" (in Windows "Device Manager"). Change one or both to the Nokia monitor, which will probably be in the "%Windows%\system\COLOR" directory. The "Device Manager" will then display your selected model.

I noted that the native W98SE definitions allowed the monitor to go to 100 Hz on my 445Xi. The Nokia installation limited rate to 90 Hz, but with considerably less flicker.

Expect to reboot at least 2 times for a monitor change to be invoked.

File Contents:
No file content information available at this time.

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