13 Mar 2025


Samtron SC-428VS Monitor Driver

Company: Samtron
Model: SC-428VS
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: SC-428VS.zip


Samtron SC-428VS Driver. This is the CORRECT driver for the Samtron SC-428VS monitor. It is DIFFERENT from the SC-428VS(L). If you have the model that ONLY says SC-428VS, without the (L), this is for you and it will work perfectly (no video crashes). Just unzip the file into a directory and run the setup proram and choose SC-428VS from the list of drivers. Enjoy. PS Be sure that the vert hold on the back of your monitor is set correctly before emailing me with questions. Peace. I know this works on win98 but may work on 95 and ME and NT.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 60240 01-29-99 13:54 Install.exe 57544 06-03-99 07:01 THE REAL MONITOR DRIVER IS IN HERE SC428PT.inf -------- ------- 117784 2 files

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