14 Mar 2025


Packard Bell 1015, 1020, 1408E, 1408SE, 1408SLE, 1 Monitor Driver

Company: Packard Bell
Model: 1015, 1020, 1408E, 1408SE, 1408SLE, 1
Operating System: All Windows Versions (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: pbmon.exe


Packard Bell 1015, 1020, 1408E, 1408SE, 1408SLE, 1 Driver. This driver package enables win9x support for these Packard Bell monitor model numbers 1015, 1020, 1408E, 1408SE, 1408SLE, 1412SME, 1428ME, 1512SME, 1712SL, 2020, 2025 PnP, 2025E PnP, 2160 PnP, 3010, 3020, 3025 PnP, 3060 PnP, 3070A PnP, 4480 PnP, 5480 PnP, 5480E PnP, 7480 PnP, A520 PnP, A720 PnP, B720 PnP, C900 PnP, C910 PnP, C920 PnP, D700 PnP, S450 PnP and SlimView 510, 515, 516, S530 and S535 flat LCD monitors. These have been found due to my problems with 1480se drivers and i know whow hard it is to find them, hope this helps you as much as it does me.

Feel free to contact me by e-mail or on IRC on the undernet network in the channel Cybercafe using the nicks

AAX, AltAneX, Trinity``


File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 9058 02-09-99 17:51 PBMON.INF 550 11-20-98 20:25 PB2160.ICM 967 12-11-98 11:46 INSTALL.PIF 1098 12-11-98 12:05 pbmon.txt 103428 11-20-98 20:11 PBN2160.ICM 103408 11-20-98 18:31 PBN3070.ICM 103436 02-09-99 17:51 C900.icm 103444 02-09-99 17:51 C710.icm 103452 02-09-99 17:51 NEC-C510.icm 8334 08-06-98 14:54 pbmon_1.inf 226 09-15-99 19:42 Install.Bat 1028 06-14-99 15:14 NECCPT15.icm 1756 06-14-99 15:19 NECCPT15.INF 5648 11-20-98 22:44 pbmon1.inf 39740 11-18-98 23:53 pbti.inf 50 09-15-99 19:11 pmonitor.inf -------- ------- 585623 16 files

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