14 Mar 2025


Supercom Multisystems SK-1592GN Monitor Driver

Company: Supercom Multisystems
Model: SK-1592GN
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: orchold.exe


Supercom Multisystems SK-1592GN Driver. As you may know Supercom was acquired by Synnex, which does not provide support for this product yet. For reference Looked up the FCC ID on windrivers.com (they're good for a couple of things), found out the monitor was actually manufactured by Korea Data Systems Co. Ltd. KDS acquired a company called Orchestra. This monitor is the French Horn model of Orchestra's product line according to their cross refernce matrix.

When installing, make sure to choose the "French Horn" and NOT the "French Horn II" driver which is actually for the 1500V.

Good Luck,


File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 4363 10-25-98 14:11 orchold.inf -------- ------- 4363 1 file

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