28 Feb 2025


Relisys RE518B Monitor Driver

Company: Relisys
Model: RE518B
Operating System: Windows 98SE (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: RELISYS.zip


Relisys RE518B Driver. If you have a Relisys monitor model RE518B the driver you find in this package labeled RE518 will work! I am using Windows 98SE, a VooDoo AGP 5500 card and a Relisys RE518B monitor. I get full resolution using the RE518 driver. INSTRUCTIONS: Name a folder and download the file to it. Remember the path! (Where you put the download on your computer). Next unzip the driver to the same folder. Now go to MY COMPUTER, right click PROPERTIES. Click on the DEVICE MANAGER TAB and look for the Monitors. Click on the MONITOR and then click on your existing monitor to highlight it in blue. Click on PROPERTIES then click on the DRIVER TAB. Next Click on UPDATE DRIVER. You should see the Device Driver Wizard, click NEXT and click on the radio button that says 'Display a list...'. Click NEXT. You may see a blank window, click HAVE DISK and BROWSE. Remember where you put the driver. Find the path on your drive. Locate the folder the driver is in then click to open the folder and click OK. Follow the prompts. The driver will load and ask you to reboot (restart the computer). When the computer comes on your driver should be installed and you should be able to adjust the screen resolution from the card tools or from windows control panel. Happy computing!
File Contents:
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