14 Mar 2025


CTX Various(mine was VL950T, but supports from 1998>) Monitor Driver

Company: CTX
Model: Various(mine was VL950T, but supports from 1998>)
Operating System: Windows 98SE (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: CTX-2000INF-E.exe


CTX Various(mine was VL950T, but supports from 1998>) Driver. Various Driver files for CTX monitors 1998 onwards, there is a file for older monitors posted but this is for newer models.There is a help file in the zip that describes how to update to your monitor, i found it easy when i printed this out first.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 102674 08-11-00 13:47 CTX20.ICM 102674 08-11-00 13:48 Ctx14.icm 102674 08-11-00 13:48 Ctx15.icm 102678 08-11-00 13:48 Ctx15t.icm 102674 08-11-00 13:48 Ctx17.icm 102674 08-11-00 13:48 Ctx19.icm 102678 08-11-00 13:48 CTX_PF.icm 102674 08-11-00 13:47 CTX21.icm 513 03-08-00 11:18 CTX97.icm 597 03-08-00 11:18 CTX97D.icm 597 03-08-00 11:18 CTX97T.icm 102670 08-11-00 13:47 Ctx98d.icm 102670 08-11-00 13:47 Ctx98t.icm 102678 08-11-00 13:47 CTXpfm.icm 102678 08-11-00 13:47 CTXpfs.icm 2585 10-09-00 18:31 Readme-E.txt 33122 10-09-00 18:07 Ctx2000VER2.inf 29066 10-09-00 11:13 oct09y2k/Ctx2000VER2.inf 1350 10-05-00 14:18 PV510.inf -------- ------- 1299926 19 files

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