12 Mar 2025


Sony Electronics GDM-2036S, GDM, CPD Monitor Driver

Company: Sony Electronics
Model: GDM-2036S, GDM, CPD
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: SONY_GDM-2036S.zip


Sony Electronics GDM-2036S, GDM, CPD Driver. I wrote the driver for the Sony GDM-2036S because Sony didn't relplied my email too and couldn't develop a driver since 9 years when the monitor was on the market in May 1993..

I can't download a file herein, so.. Please go to www.driverguide.com and login with the member name


and the password


and then search for GDM-2036S..


You will find the driver there.. It includes nearly all models of Sony displays.. But since I wrote the driver, I decided to change the Name on the driver and your monitor will be shown as MM GDM-2036S.. )

Hope you like it.. )


Istanbul, TURKEY

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 1302 10-19-98 02:18 MM_CL2.ICM 1302 10-19-98 02:18 MM_CL3.ICM 1302 10-19-98 02:18 MM_CL4.ICM 1302 10-19-98 02:18 MM_CL5.ICM 1302 10-19-98 02:18 MM_CL6.ICM 33203 08-31-00 01:06 MM_MON.INF 1302 10-19-98 02:18 MM_CL1.ICM -------- ------- 41015 7 files

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