23 Feb 2025


Phillips 105E (PHL554E), 104S (PHL454C), 105S (PHL0001), 105B (PHLE001), 107E (PHL0004), 107S (PHLE005), 107B (PHLE003), 107T (PHLE004), Brilliance 107P (PHLE002), 109S (PHLE008), 109B (PHLE007), Brilliance 109P (PHL0005), 14C (7CM5209 /20T) Monitor Driver

Company: Phillips
Model: 105E (PHL554E), 104S (PHL454C), 105S (PHL0001), 105B (PHLE001), 107E (PHL0004), 107S (PHLE005), 107B (PHLE003), 107T (PHLE004), Brilliance 107P (PHLE002), 109S (PHLE008), 109B (PHLE007), Brilliance 109P (PHL0005), 14C (7CM5209 /20T)
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: philips_monitors.zip


Phillips 105E (PHL554E), 104S (PHL454C), 105S (PHL0001), 105B (PHLE001), 107E (PHL0004), 107S (PHLE005), 107B (PHLE003), 107T (PHLE004), Brilliance 107P (PHLE002), 109S (PHLE008), 109B (PHLE007), Brilliance 109P (PHL0005), 14C (7CM5209 /20T) Driver. After you install the driver (you only need the .inf file for the "14C" 7CM5209 /20T) make sure you set the refresh rate to "optimal" because "adapter default" won't work best. At least in 1024, you'll not be able to see much until you set it to optimal. I think you have to set it for each resolution / colour depth combination. But just once, as Windows will remember the settings afterwards.
File Contents:
No file content information available at this time.

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