30 Jan 2025


Miro Computer Products 31kHz VESA monitor Monitor Driver

Company: Miro Computer Products
Model: 31kHz VESA monitor
Operating System:   (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 28h711.zip


Miro Computer Products 31kHz VESA monitor Driver.  
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 42560 01-31-95 17:28 BMPDLL.DLL 2902 03-19-96 12:30 CARD000A.IN_ 2050 03-04-96 14:20 CARD000B.IN_ 1213 12-06-95 11:58 CARD000C.IN_ 3341 12-21-95 12:51 CARD000D.IN_ 4312 12-21-95 12:55 CARD000E.IN_ 3285 11-24-95 15:39 CARD000F.IN_ 1743 12-06-95 12:26 CARD0010.IN_ 1704 02-29-96 12:49 CARD0012.IN_ 2810 12-06-95 11:50 CARD0015.IN_ 7731 02-06-96 14:33 CARD0016.IN_ 4674 03-27-96 16:21 CARD0017.IN_ 7153 03-27-96 16:21 CARD0018.IN_ 2869 03-19-96 12:30 CARD010A.IN_ 2653 12-06-95 11:43 CARD010B.IN_ 5849 12-21-95 12:49 CARD010D.IN_ 7903 12-21-95 12:44 CARD010E.IN_ 3354 10-20-95 15:54 CARD010F.IN_ 2858 02-05-96 13:24 CARD0115.IN_ 3811 10-20-95 15:54 CARD0116.IN_ 7133 03-15-96 16:20 CARD0118.IN_ 3163 12-06-95 11:51 CARD020A.IN_ 1326 12-06-95 11:59 CARD020C.IN_ 6014 12-21-95 16:35 CARD020D.IN_ 8023 12-21-95 16:35 CARD020E.IN_ 4168 10-20-95 15:54 CARD020F.IN_ 2711 12-06-95 12:24 CARD0210.IN_ 2885 12-21-95 13:30 CARD0211.IN_ 1802 02-29-96 12:51 CARD0212.IN_ 2695 04-11-96 17:31 CARD0213.IN_ 2957 12-06-95 11:34 CARD0214.IN_ 2580 10-20-95 15:54 CARD0216.IN_ 2400 01-24-96 10:38 CARD0219.IN_ 2508 02-29-96 13:21 CARD030B.IN_ 4374 10-20-95 15:54 CARD030F.IN_ 2856 12-21-95 13:30 CARD0311.IN_ 4143 04-11-96 17:31 CARD0313.IN_ 1652 03-04-96 18:56 CARD040B.IN_ 2902 02-08-96 10:02 CARD0411.IN_ 1789 04-11-96 17:31 CARD0413.IN_ 1754 12-06-95 12:14 CARD0510.IN_ 4929 04-11-96 17:31 CARD0513.IN_ 2803 12-06-95 12:03 CARD0610.IN_ 5527 07-22-96 11:24 CARD0613.IN_ 1789 02-08-96 10:02 CARD0710.IN_ 5543 07-22-96 11:36 CARD0713.IN_ 2900 02-08-96 10:02 CARD0810.IN_ 5480 07-22-96 12:10 CARD0813.IN_ 1337 06-21-96 03:20 CARD0913.IN_ 118256 05-28-96 14:54 INSTALL.EXE 23790 07-31-96 11:36 INSTALL.INI 11215 08-01-96 14:47 LIESMICH.TXT 125968 08-01-96 14:59 MIRO.DRV 4032 02-02-96 06:22 MIRODD16.DLL 18944 07-29-96 11:15 MIRODD32.DLL 8225 07-31-96 11:40 MIRODISP.INF 62272 07-22-96 16:51 MIROHW.DLL 3943 07-30-96 14:38 MIROHW.IN_ 15542 07-30-96 15:09 MIROMINI.VXD 17802 04-11-96 18:08 MIROMON.INF 17092 06-21-96 14:10 MONITOR.IN_ 17440 08-01-96 14:58 MTI.DLL 3868 07-23-96 19:56 MTI.INI 2765 07-24-96 11:49 MTI_QUAD.INI 8976 08-01-96 14:46 README.TXT 17012 05-29-96 13:38 TIMING.IN_ 602602 07-31-96 14:01 TOOLS.ARJ 71088 08-01-96 14:59 WTMIRO.DLL -------- ---- 1365750 68 files

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